Monday, August 29, 2005

I just received an email containing a photograph of some people I know from my time in Germany. I was struck by the fact that even though both of them are very good looking people with beautiful personalities to match that shine through on their faces, they're almost disturbingly British. Seriously, it very nearly looks like they're from some sort of sit-com or period film as the archetypical young British couple. Of course, she's fiercely Scottish and hates the queen, but that didn't stop her from going to one of the top universities in England. Him I didn't know quite as well, but decidedly British. Stereotypes aside, I wonder if there's a look that could be called decidedly American. Theoretically, we all come from somewhere else anyway, so there really should not be beyond differences in style. Still, I'd like to see a photograph similar to the one I received and be able to say, "Damn they're American!" It wouldn't be a matter of dress or setting (though I can't picture an American man his age in the suit this guy was wearing), but of actual physical features. What would that look like?

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