Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Just to recap the past couple of months: I'm getting old. I've never been a night owl, but now have reached the point where I'd rather be home by eleven and asleep by midnight. Boy's probably right when he attributes this to being overly tired from a second job. However, I also just think that maybe I've gotten over the urge to drink myself silly. And that's not such a bad thing. Or maybe I'm just boring. That one's also pretty likely as well.

Regardless of the change in my nightlife habits, life's going pretty well overall. The job continues to be a good use of my time, as does boy. We're going to Montreal for Thanksgiving. I may report back on how that turns out. Otherwise, I guess the most interesting thing in my life right now is the Project Runway premier. Ouch.

Ok, enough procrastinating. Time to get ready for work.

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