Wednesday, November 05, 2008

There has been a lot going on in my life recently, but here's the one thing that will prompt me to write another blog post: the reaction to Obama's election. Jesse Jackson was in tears. So were people at the election party I attended. Aunt Mary seems awe struck that she was born before the civil rights era, and lived to see this day.

What affected me more though was the reaction here in DC. This is an overwhelmingly liberal city, and majority black city, and a politically engaged city. DC has gone more than eighty-five percent Democratic in each of the previous four elections, and went ninety-four percent for Obama. I drove down 18th St to U St. last. In both of these nightlife districts, people had poured out onto the streets in celebration. Police ended up having to close off the streets to vehicles not too long after. There were fireworks. We were honking. People were yelling and clapping and dancing. As we drove slowly through the crowds, passersby were reaching into the car to high five us.

I have never seen this city jubilant before. Let me tell you, I liked what I saw. It was Christmas and New Years', and graduation, and birthdays. People were literally overcome with joy. Of course, some of it had to be relief as well. George Bush's approval rating is low enough nationally that I don't want to imagine what it is here in DC. Inauguration day is going to be exhilarating for the people who live here.

There is no way that Obama can live up to his own hype. But for right now, I'm going to bask in the glow of a happy city.


swenglishexpat said...

I have not visited for a long time, but I still have you on my blog roll! Imagine me, a British Swede in Germany sitting in front of the TV. Every time they showed Jesse Jackson in tears, my tears started coming. I remember the sixties, I even were in D.C. in Aug -68 visiting my sister who worked for Pan Am. I remember all the big events from that decade, so Jackson's tears were mine as well. Time for change!

Dan said...

I read this post just shy of Jan 2017, with the Trump inauguration looming over the nation like a sulfuric thundercloud. Back in 2008, I got a taste of what was described in D.C., though I was on the other coast at the time. I can barely imagine what D.C must have been like on 11/8/2016, nor what it will be like there when the whole city is forced to watch the Jester be coronated King.