Tuesday, August 23, 2005

When debating whether to take some one up on an invitation to go out, or just stay in, my default answer is to go out. In general, it's the right decision. This past Friday, that was not so much the case. After having been convinced by Steve that I should indeed go out rather than staying at home with my new DVD and pizza, I drank my way through an uneventful night involving a completely random assortment of male friends. Had I stayed home I would have not been ill the next morning (afternoon rather), spent the money that I did, or have been quite as annoyed as I was. That's alright though, because the rest of the weekend got better.

Now I'm squaring things away for work, prepping for the semester, and getting excited about the trip to Sacramento. I think I might just take some souvenirs with me, in the cheesiest form possible. Toward that end, I'm happy to have had something pointed out to me by Gentry, the fabulocity of which cannot be denied. Costco stocks chocolate models of DC landmarks, and they cost very little money. Not only will these be good for taking to Sacramento with me, but the Pentagon will lend itself nicely to being filled and used as a comic dessert for future parties. Oh the possibilities...

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